Excessive cardio is the way we’ve always known to get our sweat on. During the Menopause transition and beyond, our bodies favour a different way of doing things. Strength is the powerhouse engine that will move us forward. Keep reading to dispel the myths and power up what will propel you forward.
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Our bodies in their cycling years saw estrogen and progesterone fluctuate regularly, now those same hormones are being expressed differently and that means it affects out muscle and fat storage…which ultimately means a change in how it feels to be in our skin and/or change those feelings at 40+.
Increasing our consumtpion (eating) more lean protein is really important and helps to preseve what we have.
Here is an interesting study that shows just that.
Read MoreThe New Year is a time where the “Fresh Start” phenomenon can take hold. It’s also the time where we are bombarded by Fad Diets and the promise of a better, leaner you. Or are we? We are savvy, strong and discerning. Debunking the myths and levelling up the facts - Stop Playing Small! xo K.
Read MoreNo kidding our bodies are changing…but did you know that sleep holds a key to what is going on?
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